Thursday, April 28, 2011

Using clutter in banshee extension

To write a banshee extension, the create-extension command in the banshee-community-extensions repository is used. This extension can then be modified in MonoDevelop. However, to use clutter-sharp, the makefile must be modified otherwise mono would not find clutter-sharp, even if it is properly referenced in MonoDevelop. The LINK variable in the makefile must contain CLUTTER_SHARP_LIBS. This is shown in my example below:
 $(CLUTTER_SHARP_LIBS) -r:Mono.Cairo -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0 \
Additionally, to prevent MonoDevelop to overwrite those changes I disabled the makefile integration in the project properties. However, this means that every sourcefile that is added to the project hast to be added to the SOURCES in the makefile. There is a way to link the references of the makefile in the makefile integration dialog, but this did not work out for me as desired. 

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